Our Logo, the rock Cairn, is the perfect representation of our Ethos, in nature.
A Cairn is a unique & balanced structure, built by human hands. Each element, although diverse & varied, is placed in such a way to allow for natural balance.
A Cairn must have a strong base, a foundation upon which to grow. As a Cairn rises
and grows in size, you must ensure that every stone has at least three points
of contact. This prevents destabilizing
and destructive movements.
At Leela, Our three points of contact are embodied through our three pillars.
These guide us in our personal lives, helping to bring stability and the balance we strive for.
The Cairn is the perfect representation of this for us.

Each rock formation is a unique
work of art, crafted by human hands.
With the addition of new rocks, the
structure changes, adding depth, vitality
and uniqueness. Fellow travelers
contribute to the structure, enhancing it
through their own art, in their own way.

These rock structures connect people and
nature. The Cairn grows and becomes
stronger with the addition of stones, each
one a contribution by a total stranger.
Without even knowing it, people are
connected to each other from opposite
ends of the earth, all walking a shared path.

You don’t find Cairns inside, you must
explore, you must be in nature! Often used
as trail markers, these structures help us to
maintain a direction while giving us the
flexibility to chart our own course and
discover a path on our own terms.